As a student of Jesenice Grammar School, I will be presenting the Christmas farytale concert, its details and organisation. At the end I will be expressing my opinion about the concert.

I am writing this report for the ITS subject to be presented on our website.



The Christmas farytale concert took place on Tuesday evening 17 December at 6pm in the Tone Čufar Theatre. At the entrance, some delicious home baked pastry was served by students. The event was hosted and preformed by the students of Jesenice Grammar School.



Christmas themed music was great, the preformers did a great job. The crowd gave singers a warming applause after evrey preformance. All earnings went to the charity. The concert raised 264 euros.



I really enjoyed the concert and the nice atmosphere they have created. It impressed me how well students can sing. I liked that the quire also included teachers an not only students. The pastry was tasty and I can not wait for the next concert.


Nace Čebašek